Tag Archives: tsunami


So, I have to do this group project for my meteorology class..we have to give a presentation on something that has to do with weather…my group chose…drumroll, please…hurricanes! So I’ve been researching them and looking at pictures of them, and, to sum up my overall experience, it has been scary…for example:

Imagine walking outside your house, and seeing this:

I would be severely freaked out. This is a picture taken of hurricane Katrina in 2005. Someone actually saw this massive cyclonic force, and instead of running, they took a picture…Anyways, all of this research has kept me thinking of the natural disasters we’ve seen over recent months and years…earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and now the tornadoes in the midwest…keeps me going back to Mark 13:8…

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The Lord’s Return…

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.” – Mark 13:8

I saw the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan, and it broke my heart…it’s times like these when I am so thankful for the Lord’s promises…the Bible talks about the end times, and that there will be many natural disasters as it gets closer. I’m so glad that we’ve got the hope of heaven to look forward to. For the time being, I’m praying for the people of Japan, and that they’d find their hope in heaven as well.

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